Understanding fitness basics

For those who do not exercise or who aren’t particularly interested in exercise, the fitness world can often make you feel like you’re reading a dictionary full of unnecessarily complicated words. If you are tired of spending hours googling the answers you are looking for then look no further. We’ve simplified this enormous dictionary for you by breaking down some of the basics.

Strength Training

Strength training is often referred to as resistance training and is defined as the ability to exert force in order to overcome resistance. Therefore, with this style of training, you train to overcome resistance. For example, moving as much weight as you possibly can for a certain number of repetitions. An easier way to think of this is that strength focuses on moving a weight from point A to point B.

The resistance that needs to be overcome can be in the form of free weights, weight machines, resistance bands or even your own body. During training sessions, overcoming this resistance puts a higher-than-normal weight load on your muscles. This not only strengthens your muscles but also your underlying bones.

Power Training

Like strength, power is defined as the ability to exert force in order to overcome resistance. However, where it differs is that power focuses on overcoming this resistance in the shortest period of time. When you see the words “power training”, it probably makes it sound like this refers to heavy weight lifting alone. However, power training also encompasses cardio training in the form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Regardless of the type of power training you participate in, the ultimate goal of this style of training is to increase both strength and speed which in return will increase power.

Endurance Training

When you hear the words “endurance training”, the first thing that probably springs to mind is long-distance running. However, endurance training encompasses any form of steady-state cardio training as well as lower intensity weightlifting.

Steady-state cardio refers to any cardio exercise, performed at a consistent rate, for 45 minutes or longer. While this does include running, it also includes things like cycling, swimming, dancing, aerobics classes, team sports and more.

Lower intensity weightlifting is perfect for toning your muscles and includes lifting a lighter weight numerous time (for more repetitions).

Weight training can be included in both your power and endurance training sessions. However, this is often easier said than done. When you walk into a gym, the different weight training options can often be overwhelming.

Aerobic Fitness

In the fitness world, your aerobic fitness level is referred to as your VO2max. This refers to the rate at which your body uses oxygen while you train. Oxygen is used, by the body, to create energy for your muscles during exercise. The quicker oxygen moves through and is utilized by the body, the quicker nutrients are transported and utilized throughout your body. This increased use of nutrients, such as carbohydrates and protein, contributes to an increase in fitness levels and can help you reach your peak fitness level a lot faster.

Understanding these few basic concepts can make a world of difference when reading up on any fitness related topic. Now that you understand the basics, the next step is finding out the fitness basics about your own body.

Photobiomodulation and athletic performance

Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses light energy to stimulate cellular activity. It has been shown to reduce inflammation, promote healing, and improve athletic performance. Here are some ways photobiomodulation therapy can enhance recovery and reduce injury in athletes:


1. Reduces Inflammation

PBM therapy can help to reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common cause of pain and injury in athletes. By reducing inflammation, photobiomodulation therapy can help to speed up recovery time and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Promotes Healing

PBM therapy can help to promote healing by stimulating the production of collagen and increasing blood flow to injured tissues. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes recovering from injuries or surgeries.

3. Improves Athletic Performance

PBM therapy can help to improve athletic performance by increasing muscle strength, speed of muscle adaptation, and ventilation rate. It can also help to reduce muscle damage and remaining muscle pain or delayed onset muscle soreness.

4. Reduces Pain

PBM therapy can help to reduce pain in athletes by stimulating the production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced by the body. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes recovering from injuries or surgeries.

5. Non-Invasive and Safe

PBM therapy is a non-invasive and safe treatment option that has few side effects. It is gaining popularity among athletes as a safe and effective alternative to traditional pain management treatments.


In conclusion, hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a non-invasive, painless treatment that delivers high concentrations of oxygen to the bloodstream to help heal persistent wounds, injuries, and infections. It can accelerate healing and recovery by increasing oxygen delivery to tissues, reducing inflammation and swelling, boosting the immune system, enhancing the effectiveness of other treatments, and speeding up surgical recovery. If you are considering using hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Dubai, don’t hesitate to contact us at Precision Wellness to assist you.

How healing and recovery can be accelerated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a non-invasive, painless treatment that delivers high concentrations of oxygen to the bloodstream to help heal persistent wounds, injuries, and infections. Here are some ways in which HBOT can accelerate healing and recovery:


1. Increases Oxygen Delivery to Tissues

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and delivers extra oxygen to damaged organs and tissue. This helps accelerate the body’s natural healing process by increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood and delivering extra oxygen to damaged organs and tissue.

2. Reduces Inflammation and Swelling

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment can decrease inflammation and swelling. This is because it helps reduce the fluid buildup in tissues that causes swelling.

3. Boosts the Immune System

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment helps block the action of harmful bacteria and strengthens the body’s immune system. It can disable the toxins of certain bacteria and increase oxygen concentration in the tissues, which helps them resist infection.

4. Enhances the Effectiveness of Other Treatments

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment can enhance the effectiveness of other treatments such as surgery, antibiotics, burn care, and wound care. It can also be used in conjunction with radiation therapy and chemotherapy to increase the amount of oxygen in cancer cells, which may make them easier to kill with these treatments.

5. Speeds Up Surgical Recovery

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment can speed up surgical recovery by promoting healing and reducing inflammation and swelling. It can also help prevent infections and reduce the risk of complications.


In conclusion, hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a non-invasive, painless treatment that delivers high concentrations of oxygen to the bloodstream to help heal persistent wounds, injuries, and infections. It can accelerate healing and recovery by increasing oxygen delivery to tissues, reducing inflammation and swelling, boosting the immune system, enhancing the effectiveness of other treatments, and speeding up surgical recovery. If you are considering using hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Dubai, don’t hesitate to contact us at Precision Wellness to assist you.